Titles Issue at Celsius’s first Land Subdivision in Piara Waters
We are excited to announce that titles have issued for the first stage of 41 lots in our very first land subdivision located in Piara Waters. Whilst Celsius has traditionally been known as a built form Developer, Brenton Downing joining our group afforded us the opportunity to expand into the land market ensuring we are capable of offering housing solutions across the continuum. Hot on the heels of Piara Waters, we have received subidivison approval for our Champion Lakes holding and are looking to get to site as soon as possible.
At Piara Waters all lots have been sold with settlements to commence shortly. The contractors have already mobilised directly onto the next stage with the first release of 14 lots to occur on Friday 28th June. Titles for the final stages are estimated for October this year and we are excited to see many of our Buyers already well advanced with house designs and builder engagement. It is interesting to note that the majority of the buyers already live within Piara Waters and surrounding suburbs and are looking to upgrade their home whilst remaining in the area they have grown to love.
We couldn’t have progressed this far without the support of a number of Consultants and Contractors including Rowe Group Town Planners, Peritas Engineers, Western Environmental, MNG Surveyors, Plan E Landscape Architects, Harvis and Brown-Neaves Investments for construction funding and Densford Civil.
Following on from the success of Piara Waters we are gearing up for the commencement of construction on our next land subdivision in the established suburb of Champion Lakes. Our Champion Lakes subdivision comprises 72 lots ranging in size from 315sqm – 468sqm. We anticipate construction to commence in the next 6 to 8 weeks with the first land release to occur shortly thereafter and an anticipated first titles toward the end of 2024.
Celsius is also working on two regional subdivisions, in Exmouth and Quindalup.
Feel free to reach out to Brenton Downing or myself should you have any land development queries you feel we may be able to assist you with.
All the very best