Oct 31, 2019 | , ,

Lucent Claremont

Bulk excavations at Lucent Claremont received a setback this month when it was discovered the piles from the neighbouring Claremont Football Club had deflected into our property along the southern boundary.

The deflection of the piles occurred during construction of the Claremont Football Club when their piles hit a limestone layer causing them to kick into our property. Given we are using every square inch of our basement, rectification work has been required to remove these piles from our site while at the same time, maintaining the structural integrity of the football club.

While this issue has been the responsibility of the Football Club and their engineers to rectify, it has nonetheless created a delay on our site as we have been unable to complete our excavation on the southern end of the site until the issue has been rectified.

We are pleased to report that a solution for the issue has been found and works are now almost complete grout injecting the basement of the Football Club to allow our works to continue.

Jaxon have been doing everything possible on site to progress other areas of the build, but at this stage it looks like the encroachment of the neighbours piles will have created a two week delay to our program. Elsewhere on the site we have begun to encounter a limestone layer in various locations, but this is as we had prognosed prior to commencing from the data we had available from the neighbouring lots.

As with all developments of this nature, most of the unknown factors come to light during excavation as its always difficult to tell with great certainty what you will encounter when you are digging down to this level.

We hope that the worst of the issues are now uncovered and the remainder of the basement works runs smoothly and on program. Based on the current two week delay our revised completion date is the 24th of December next year. I look forward to updating you as construction continues, but if you have any questions please feel free to call.

Matt Evans