Nov 29, 2019 |

Vic Quarter – November Update

We are very pleased to report that the Vic Quarter has now reached Practical Completion!

All construction works have now been completed and PACT now have reduced their presence on site while they attend to minor snagging and defect repairs. All landscaping is now planted around the site and the sales and marketing campaign for this unique project is well under way.

The feedback received from everyone that has inspected the building to date has been overwhelmingly positive with most people commenting that it was far better than what they were expecting with the apartments being very spacious and well appointed.

I have included a series of professional photos taken form the 6 display apartments and common areas in the building that showcase the quality of the development.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the team involved in bringing the Vic Quarter to life, in particular Hillam Architects, PACT construction and our extensive consultant team, lead by Wood and Grieve Engineers.

If you would like inspect the Vic Quarter in person we will be continuing tours of the building during our home opens on Saturdays and Sundays between 10am and 1pm and Wednesday Twilight between 5pm and 7pm.

Matt Evans